The Ceres Foundation (Ceres) was established in 2002 to focus on changing individual lives by expanding opportunities for disadvantaged youth and vulnerable families to make full use of their potential, so that they will be able to pursue their highest ambitions, earn decent livings, enjoy healthy relationships, and fully participate in their communities. Ceres currently invests in K-12 and post-secondary education initiatives, along with a variety of family strengthening programs, with grants and program-related investments supporting social impact efforts on both coasts. 2021 marks an opportune moment for Ceres to step back and review its strategy. A new executive director joined the Foundation at the beginning of the year, and there are plans to broaden and deepen the Foundation’s reach. Impact Catalysts is working closely with Ceres board and staff to consider the intended impact of the work, the role of grantees and partners in leveraging results.