We’re now in the seventh month of the COVID-19 pandemic, with very little daylight in sight. Many nonprofits have made it this far through a combination of PPP loans and emergency donations. If the ...Read More
If your inbox looks anything like mine, there’s lots of talk about contingency planning. You can attend webinars, sit through Zoom presentations, download an app. Maybe you have time for all that, b...Read More
In my previous post, I described how I managed a nonprofit through the Great Recession while also battling mantle cell lymphoma. After six rounds of chemo, I entered the bone marrow transplant unit at...Read More
Unprecedented is a commonly used term to describe our current moment. The uncertainty and the sense that we’ve never been through anything like this before only adds to the unease bordering on sheer...Read More
Happy New Year. By now, you’ve read or heard dozens of takes on the annual, arbitrary resolution trope—everything from weight loss with Oprah, to resolution memes, to sardonic admissions of failur...Read More
Swift and immediate response from philanthropy: “What are nonprofit capital markets?” Thus began a Twitter exchange last month, with my good friend and former client, Rick Moyers. Rick had just...Read More
If you’re working to bring about big systems change, how will you know you’re getting anywhere? For organizations working to engage citizens in democratic life, can success really be measured? Is ...Read More
The good news: more nonprofits are taking performance measurement seriously. We had a standing-room-only crowd for our workshop on “Demystifying Performance Measurement” at the Massachusetts Nonpr...Read More
By Stephen Pratt, President, Impact Catalysts and Francesca Moree, Analyst, Impact Catalysts We spent the better part of last year talking with nonprofit and foundation leaders about performance meas...Read More
Forward: This case is drawn from my own experience. While I was not part of the development or implementation of the business plan, I arrived in time to diagnose its failure and attempt to move the ...Read More